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Achievement Without Fulfillment

May 24, 2023

It’s been over 10 years as an entrepreneur, and I hesitated to write this blog. The reason being is because I have so many goals that I have yet to accomplish. God has put so much in me that it gets overwhelming at times, and I am learning how to move with God and distinguish the seasons as I abide in Him more.

I am the happiest when I am creating. When I see an idea come to life from my head to graphics, and then on a T-shirt, then on to a model and then seeing it shipped out to a customer, it’s an amazing feeling. I honestly can get lost in that world and I think I did for quite a while. I could truly say that I was fulfilled with the things that I was doing. I ultimately knew the key to the fulfillment was that I was doing things that God wanted me to do with my life. 

I project things with my mind often. Let me explain; I can see us grow and move from building to building with more sales than ever before. I will say to myself, “If I was in a place 10 times bigger than this, would it fulfill me?” The answer is no. That, alone, could not fulfill me. It made me realize more and more that we need a why. 

Why am I doing this? The “why” is the answer to our fulfillment because achievement alone can never satisfy. Purpose must be at the forefront.