fitting that I write this blog at a time like this. I created The Ground Up Academy, and in my life right now, I’m in a rebuilding phase. It’s amazing that I get to teach people how to build a business from the ground up while simultaneously building a new one myself. It allows me to organize my thoughts, reconnect with people I’ve built relationships with over the last decade, and bring others into the space—not just to make my students better, but to make myself better as well.
We cover topics like your story, your brand, identity, trademark, business structure, tax planning, personal credit, and so much more before we even get to printing a T-shirt. Why? Because the foundation is key. When it’s done right, it becomes unshakable.
But that’s not why I started writing this blog. I began writing to talk about the fear of missing out.
FOMO, or fear of missing out, is the feeling of anxiety or concern that others are having rewarding experiences from which you are absent. It can create a need to stay constantly connected, fearing that you’ll miss an exciting opportunity or event.
When you’re building from the ground up, you have to stay focused. How you spend your money and time must be intentional. I have friends traveling all over the world—places on my own travel list: South of France, Thailand, Paris—and the list goes on. I’m happy for them, and honestly, I can’t wait until I can travel internationally too. But that’s not my season right now, so I must stay focused.
I can’t dwell on what I’m “missing out” on because, in truth, I’m not missing anything. I’m in the process of building. It doesn’t mean you can’t have any fun, but maybe you can’t take that international trip right now. Maybe you hop on a train from Los Angeles to San Diego to enjoy La Jolla Beach for a day. You can still have fun, but how you budget your time and money matters because the foundation is everything.
FOMO is real, especially when you see others doing what you want to do but can’t in your current season. But remember, you’re doing what you’re doing for a reason. This feeling comes up more often than we realize, and that’s why it’s important to ground yourself. There is a time for everything. When it’s not your time yet, you have to be okay with that.
Keep dreaming. Keep putting it on your vision board or to-do list. Imagine yourself there—bags packed and ready to go. Know that if you build your business the right way, it will afford you everything you want to do.
God Bless The Entrepreneur