One thing I’ve realized about life is that not everyone is meant to do what others are called to do, and that’s okay. Everyone has their own path and purpose. Not everyone is destined for a big city or to become a millionaire or billionaire. However, we must not live beneath our potential. But what is potential? It’s the capacity within each of us to achieve more, to grow beyond where we are now, and to pursue the fullest expression of our abilities and gifts.
This idea came to mind when my wife and I were watching a movie about a young woman who owned a botanical garden in Vermont. She was creating incredible products and had done all she could locally, even getting her products into stores. Her business had started to gain some national attention through her online store. Despite her success, she believed she had the potential to take her business international. Her brother was against this, based on his own past experiences, not realizing that he was limiting her potential. She had a grand vision that began when she was young, making soap from natural flowers, and she believed this vision would eventually impact the world. When she finally met the right influencer, she was prepared—she had already put in the work necessary. She had developed over 20 products and was actively working on more. Her dedication and hard work set the stage for her to step into a larger arena.
You might be called to do something incredible right where you are, in your city, and if that’s the height of your potential, embrace it fully. Do everything you can in the place where you are planted. But if you feel called to a bigger city or even another country, then pursue that path. Just don’t live beneath your potential. You may need to push yourself and challenge your own limits to discover what’s inside you. Surround yourself with the right people, find a mentor or coach, read often, immerse yourself in the Word of God, and seek His guidance to direct your steps.
As always, thanks for reading. I hope this blog encourages you today.
God Bless The Entrepreneur.