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Don’t Put Your Stock In One Platform

Aug 22, 2024

As an avid book reader, I make it a point to read at least one book a week. A friend recently asked me how I manage to retain all that information. My response was straightforward: I don’t retain all of it. In fact, it’s impossible to do so. Instead, I collect valuable nuggets from each book. By keeping my books on Audible, I can revisit them anytime, discovering new insights with each listen.

One of my favorite books is “Crushing It!” by Gary Vee. He was the first to introduce me to the idea of not relying solely on one platform. It’s a common trap, especially when you’re thriving on a particular platform. You might think you can stay there and dominate, but that limits your reach to just a small segment of the marketplace.

Despite hearing Gary Vee’s advice, it took me years to truly understand and implement it. Now, I ensure my presence across multiple platforms. Every day, I post on YouTube Shorts, LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter), my Facebook business page, my Facebook personal page, and Instagram. My mission is to be everywhere, every single day, alongside these daily blogs.

I’ve come to realize that digital real estate is everything, and content is king. You’ve heard me say this before: the more we post quality content, the better we become. I’m talking about content that educates and inspires, content that people bookmark and share. Bookmarks and shares excite me more than likes because they indicate that people find the content valuable enough to revisit.

Creating such content is not easy, but it is achievable. The key is to focus on constant improvement and not be overly concerned about the number of followers. Quality followers—those genuinely interested in what you have to say—are far more valuable than a large quantity of passive ones. If you have a thousand dedicated followers, that’s a thousand people engaging with your content every single day. Don’t underestimate the significance of that.

When was the last time you spoke to a thousand people in your city? Social media enables us to do this daily. So, if you have a thousand people checking in with you each day, that’s huge.

Remember, different people prefer different platforms. This is why you must show up on every platform you can. It doesn’t have to be daily, but whatever schedule you set, be consistent and faithful to it. Start small, build your infrastructure, and grow it into something amazing.

I hope this blog encourages you.

God Bless The Entrepreneur.