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No Longer Have Anything To Prove

Aug 20, 2024

I was walking home from the coffee shop today, coming down the street in Los Angeles. You can hear horns blaring, people talking, construction happening in the background—all the typical city sounds. Amidst this cacophony, something pierced my heart.

Ever since I became an entrepreneur, I was trying to prove my worth. I never knew it until today. Where did this come from? So I started backtracking and thinking, making sure I wasn’t overreacting to the thought.

As an entrepreneur, I often felt that when I was working and taking care of my family, I wasn’t making enough money. Every day at my job, I felt like I could be doing more, doing better. When I left my job in 2011 and became an entrepreneur, I made my salary and then doubled it. It’s funny—it was then that I began to see my worth.

As I kept making more money, I felt like I had to prove myself more and more. In certain seasons, I should have stayed the course and focused on one thing, making it the best it could be. But I didn’t. Walking down the street today, I realized that I kept posting everything I was doing, chasing the next big accomplishment as soon as I achieved something. This happened repeatedly for almost a decade.

For the past few years, I’ve been more in the background, working on things, building from the ground up. I’ve been more of a content creator, encouraging people through podcasts, posts, blogs, and videos rather than shouting, “Hey, look at me, this is what I’m doing.”

To be transparent, I think I was feeling this way partly because my dad never really came to see what I was building in Atlanta, Georgia. Could that have been part of me trying to prove my value? I don’t know right now, but I will keep pondering it. If that is the case, I will write about it again soon.

I just want to say to everyone reading this: you don’t have to prove your worth. You are worthy. No one has to confirm you. God has already confirmed you and made you unique. Just be you.

God Bless The Entrepreneur. Have