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so Big Only God Can Do It

Jul 31, 2024

I am an entrepreneur, but I am a believer first. I love entrepreneurship because I feel with all my heart that it is the calling God has placed on my life. I love developing new skill sets, learning, teaching, and working on my mindset.

Honestly, I have a ton of ambition and I have to make sure that I am submitting my plans to God so He can direct my steps. I wholeheartedly believe that as we submit our plans and desires to God, He grants us the desires of our hearts—provided they align with His will.

God has given me a measure of faith just as He has given you. I am a big dreamer, and I have been able to accomplish a lot as an entrepreneur in my decade-plus of experience. One of the achievements I am proud of is starting at home, moving to a small office, acquiring multiple offices in that building, and eventually moving into our first standalone building. We then moved to a space I had only dreamed of, equipped with nine offices, including a print shop, warehouse, showroom, lounge room, game room, podcast room, kitchen, and a room for teaching other entrepreneurs.

Now, being in California and starting over has been difficult, but I know the pivot came from God. After spending two years in Los Angeles, God began to press upon my heart to dream bigger. My next goal is so big that only God can do it. I won’t share everything on my list, but just know that my previous accomplishments pale in comparison. Make your dreams so big that only God can do it and ensure that in your pursuit, you are serving others and aligning with His will.

God Bless The Entrepreneur.