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Who told you it was too late?

Oct 7, 2024

Today, a powerful reminder echoed through a webinar, challenging the conventional notion that success must be achieved at a young age. In the Q&A session, a woman, brimming with enthusiasm, declared her intention to learn a new skill set at the age of 63 despite facing the challenges of ADHD. Her words resonated deeply, emphasizing that it is never too late to embark on a new journey.

Reflecting on my own entrepreneurial path, which commenced at 38, I feel like I’m just getting started. There’s a societal expectation that individuals must accomplish everything by a certain age, achieving greatness before hitting 30. While commendable if attained, the reality is that life unfolds differently for each person. Many navigate the complexities of life, grappling with family responsibilities, accumulating debts, and simply figuring things out.

To those who may feel that time is slipping away, I want to emphasize a crucial truth: It is never too late. This wisdom is not just drawn from my own journey but also from the inspiring 63-year-old lady on that webinar, boldly declaring her commitment to learning and growth.

Here’s a message for those who may be peering into the achievements of others with a sense of urgency or regret:

You Are Not Running Out of Time.

Life doesn’t adhere to a strict timeline, and your journey is uniquely yours. My entrepreneurial journey began later than some, and that’s perfectly okay. The stories of successful entrepreneurs starting ventures after 45 further underscore this point.

Take Ray Kroc, who at 52 transformed a small California-based restaurant into the global giant we know as McDonald’s. Or Harland Sanders, known as Colonel Sanders, who at the age of 62 franchised Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), creating a worldwide phenomenon.

Even in the world of fashion, Vera Wang started her bridal design company in her late 30s, becoming a renowned figure in the industry. Arianna Huffington, at 55, co-founded The Huffington Post, a platform that reshaped online news.

These stories exemplify that age is not a barrier to success. If you have an idea, a concept, or a dream, don’t let your age dictate your pursuits. As long as you’re breathing, you have time. Embrace the journey, and remember, it’s never too late to start something new, to learn, to innovate, and to make a significant impact on the world. Your time is now.