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You are not what they told you

Sep 30, 2024

In the poignant lyrics of KB, “called by every name that your momma never gave you,” lies a sentiment that resonates deeply with those who have faced cruelty from peers or even their own family. Negative self-talk often traces back to our upbringing, where affirmations were scarce, and positive influences were few. However, our past should not dictate our potential.

Life can be challenging, especially if we didn’t receive the encouragement we needed. Yet, this cannot be an excuse to hinder our personal growth. Despite the cliché, the truth remains that each of us has a purpose. The weight on your heart reflects the undeniable truth of this statement.

Our mindset is an ever-evolving process, and the first step towards change is acknowledging the existence of an issue. To break free from self-sabotage, we must recognize and admit our negative self-talk, acknowledging that it contradicts the path that God has set for us.

Identifying the traps of self-sabotage is crucial. Regardless of what others may have told you in the past, the truth is that you were made for more. Starting today, when negative thoughts arise, confront them head-on. Stop them in their tracks and declare, “That is not me!” Then, affirm who you are, beginning with the powerful words “I am.”

This process is not a one-time event; it’s a continuous journey. The more you repeat these affirmations, the more you’ll believe in them. Repetition builds intention, and as you get your mental “reps” up, you’ll find yourself embracing the person you were truly meant to be. Break free from the shackles of self-sabotage and step into the boundless potential that awaits.