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Skepticism: Wait and See

Aug 19, 2024

In the rhythm of Da’ TRUTH’s words, “we have the right to be skeptics and wait,” echoes a truth that still reverberates in my own journey. My character, flawed in the past, underwent a profound shift upon embracing my faith in God. Yet, the road to transformation is ongoing, a truth we all grapple with.

Growing up exposed me to a myriad of experiences, some in the streets, where I adopted habits I’m not proud of. I walked a path with CALL, a slicker, a scammer. The turnaround came with my spiritual awakening, guided by the Holy Spirit, helping me navigate my way through the Word of God.

Taking cues from King David, I resonate with his repentant heart. My sins are always laid bare before God, and my character is on display in His presence. This transparency shapes the essence of who I am.

This blog is an invitation to take the time to truly know people. Kindness and friendliness are crucial, but so is discernment and wisdom. Don’t rush to let people in until you’ve seen their fruit. The biblical wisdom rings true – “we will know them by their fruit.” Hence, the assertion that we have the right to be skeptics and wait.

Our perspective on relationships shapes our approach. I encourage continuous work on character, striving to be a living example, a walking testimony before others. Perfection is unattainable, but the daily practice of holiness is within reach.

In essence, this blog reflects my personal journey – a call to balance skepticism and openness, kindness, and discernment. It’s a reminder of the perpetual nature of character development and the importance of being a living testimony in life’s intricate ever-changing montage