When I was creating the custodial account for my granddaughter Arie, I couldn’t help but think about what I wish I had known when my kids were younger. It’s something I have to get over every time I think about it. I didn’t know, so I can’t beat myself up. But the only thing we can do, once we know better, is change what we can.
I woke up with these thoughts the other day, and I said to myself, “I’m going to pen this.”
If I could do it all over again, I would homeschool my kids. I would do my best to make it work. Yes, I’d still follow the stage requirements for education, but I’d also introduce them to different languages, cultures, and foods. I’d teach them about entrepreneurship. I’d teach them about the stock market. Many of their lessons would involve engaging with people. I’d teach them how to create a business plan, find the right people to put in that business, and then show them how to move that business forward.
I’d introduce them to the arts. I’d put them around street artists here in America and in different countries. I’d take them to Broadway plays. And I’d make sure they understood the importance of personal credit and business credit.
When it comes to God, I want to make something clear. I was young in my faith when I became a disciple of Jesus, so my wife and I shared our faith with our kids, but if I had to do it differently, I would teach them about the call to discipleship and what that truly means.
I’m a little older now, and the reason I’m writing this is because someone reading this might be in the place I wish I had been back then. I want you to know that you have the power to decide what your children learn. We don’t always know what we don’t know, but once we do, it’s our responsibility to share.
I’m by no means saying that we didn’t give our children anything good. We spent beautiful family nights together, and there was love in the home. But simply put, I taught them how to survive, not to thrive. And when I look back, I see the difference. We have the opportunity to put this thriving mindset into our children early teaching them not just to make it, but to succeed, grow, and live with purpose.
God Bless the Entrepreneur.