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The Intruder in Your Mind: How to Spot Self-Sabotaging Beliefs

Feb 27, 2025

It’s one of those things where you tell yourself, “I’ve got this down.” And in that moment, on that day, in that week, in that season, it can be true for your life. However, you might be reading this and not even know how to recognize a self-sabotaging thought.

I’m not a very deep person. I’m a practical one, so I’ll say it like this: when you start setting goals for your life, for your entrepreneurial journey, anything that comes against those goals in your mind is a self-sabotaging thought.

These thoughts come so quickly—almost in an instant—and a lot of times, they appear when we’re feeling low. Let me tell you something: sometimes it feels like someone is throwing 10 rocks per second at your glass house, which is your mind. You have to protect it. You have to protect yourself.

Let’s look at something practical, like writing blogs. I can write a few blogs a day, schedule them, and write a few more the next day and the next. But then, a thought might cross my mind: Why are you doing this? This is pointless. No one is going to read that.

That’s what I call a foreign object in my mindset. It doesn’t belong there. It doesn’t go with my plans. It doesn’t align with me being obedient to God and why I am supposed to be writing. It just doesn’t belong.

I love the scene from Transformers: Dark of the Moon (yes, I’m referencing it). You just knew that red cup didn’t belong. It was so out of place, so jarring. And that’s how you have to look at self-doubt, unbelief, negative self-talk when it pops up in your head. Cast it down. It doesn’t belong there.

I don’t know if you follow Jesus, but I believe in the Word of God, and I cast down every thought that doesn’t belong there, just like the scripture says:

“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”— 2 Corinthians 10:5

I hope this helps. I just realized this: it’s going to take practice. It’s going to take consistency just to notice it. But when you notice it, you’ve got to do something about it. My hope is that you stay on task with your plans and keep going.

God Bless The Entrepreneur