I was on my daily grind of reading books and I heard this statement about community and confession. I couldn’t agree more. I have been in a lot of church settings, and while there were some confessions, you knew that people were holding back—that it wasn’t deep, just surface level.
It all starts with vulnerability—vulnerability in transparency. We need it once we recognize that we’re flawed and that God wants our honesty. He wants to speak to us through His Holy Spirit, through His word, so that we can grow, but it starts with being truthful.
I had a few brothers in California that I did life on life with, and as I’ve grown in the faith and got more mature, I’ve learned to be more vulnerable. I realize that when I’m vulnerable, it helps the other person to be vulnerable too, and then you create something special because you know what you’re saying to each other can be trusted and you can hold each other accountable. There’s something amazing about what we confess—it begins to change our thinking, and we start to think and move like God desires us to move. I know, I know—we think that once we give our life to God, we’re without sin, but we all know that’s not true.
Get around some brothers and sisters that you can be vulnerable with and who can be vulnerable with you, and grow healthy in community.
In the end, true community comes when we’re willing to be open, honest, and vulnerable with one another. It’s through that transparency that growth happens, and we start to see the changes God desires in us. So, don’t hold back—find those people you can be real with and build something strong together.
God Bless The Entrepreneur.